Kenapa Kami?
i-3s direka untuk sekolah anda dengan beberapa ciri unik yang tidak terdapat dalam sistem sama yang lain. Anda boleh melaksanakan i-3s di sekolah-sekolah anda dalam masa sebulan pendaftaran dan penyerahan dokumentasi yang betul, dan menikmati manfaat yang luas dari program kami. Wakil kami akan menghubungi anda sebaik sahaja anda mendaftar.
Berita i-3s

Calling all school leavers..
Get the latest info on activities for your schools via your email and decide whether you can be a contributing factor to the success of each event! If your school hasn’t registered with i-3s programme, maybe its time to highlight the programme benefit to your former school. We are more than happy to discuss the registration and implementation together with you. Register as an alumni and start getting involved in the development of the school that shapes you. Do it for the development of our future generation and for the greatness of our country.